My latest work covers the period March 2020 to autumn 2024 when, after a period of over three years when I found myself unable to be creative, the enforced solitude of lockdown got me going again.
Initially I drew daily, mainly everyday objects aroung the house. As lockdown eased I drew and painted my family and friends, objects in a landscape, dolphins off the isles of Scilly, people in public places..... I am painting and drawing every day again now, as if the three blocked years have given an urgency to the new work.
For the first time I am using oil on paper and this has enabled me to express the sense of movement that motivates me every time I make anything, using layers of glazing to add depth to the work.
More recently I have been experimenting with acrylic, charcoal and pens on florists' cellophane to make work which gives the effect of stained glass.